Quick diy phono pre kit ?

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#1 Quick diy phono pre kit ?

Unread post by PeteC »

Hi folks
Back here after a long break while building guitars and setting up my repairs and set-ups workshop (more of that to come later perhaps…..).

Looking for a nice kit to build a phono pre for a Garrard i have been given recently

Need something to drive my trusty line level 6EM7/EL34 amp.

I’d like to just solder up an easy but decent quality phono stage before xmas ideally

Once were up and running I will probably build a valve pre and seek advice but for now i am just looking for recommends for a quick SS stage

Cheap and cheerful is the theme ! AliExpress , Temu, ebay etc all considered !

Any thoughts on kits ?
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Daniel Quinn
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#2 Re: Quick diy phono pre kit ?

Unread post by Daniel Quinn »

Not sure if it would arrive before xmas , but there are some decent phono boards on ali , you can buy ready built but its much cheaper if you buy the board and fit the peripherals and power supply yourself .

I've tried about 15 from ali express , all would fit your criteria and they start from about £15 .

My favourite is the naim clone discrete board but its about £60 for the board . Also you need 2 transformers which give you 2 +24v dc .

I've also recently bought a board which has 4 op amps , 2 per channel . I've only ever seen this on NVA phonos , but Nick informs me he sells one . I haven't built it yet however. But I did like the NVA phonos with a beefy supply

I've not tried any with valves 😆

Just browse , I'm sure you will find something .
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#3 Re: Quick diy phono pre kit ?

Unread post by PeteC »

Thank you Daniel. Thats really helpful.
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Paul Barker
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#4 Re: Quick diy phono pre kit ?

Unread post by Paul Barker »

I bought a d&r electronic mm phono stage. Broadcast quality for £75 on ebay. Best phono stage Ive ever auditioned at home. I had upgraded ear phono stage, the wad phono stage, some cheap ecc83 phono stages, and one fet phono stage oh and I built True Realism phono stages. Out of all those the only one worth having was True Realism. But that couldnt hold a candle to this d&r. Its amaising.


My advise is dont build any of the phono kit amps. Buy a built phono stage of good known quality.

For mc I use a transformer. There is nothing wrong with that. You dont have to find an mc phono stage. To my ear the weirwright transformers are as good as Stephens Billington. I only paid £100 a pair. Today they would cost £100 each. But still available and still much cheaper than the fairy dust transformers you need a mortgage to buy.

the transformers :

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#5 Re: Quick diy phono pre kit ?

Unread post by steve s »

I'm no help with the phono kit quest Pete, but its great to see you posting here again.
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#6 Re: Quick diy phono pre kit ?

Unread post by PeteC »

Hi Steve.

How are you Sir? I often think back to the Coke days but dont miss it one little bit !!

Getting back into the audio stuff this next year I hope
I stopped building once I had too many amps in the house and started making guitars instead🙄

How are you doing?

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