Hello from Arnhem, the Netherlands

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#1 Hello from Arnhem, the Netherlands

Unread post by Marcel »

Hello, I'm Marcel
I am 65 yrs old and for the last 50 yrs I've been building speakers now and than. I'm not a technician and therefore I rely on experience of others together with my own subjective experience. Things I found out that I like are merely fullrange speakers, MLTL's and passive radiators for extra bass extension. I'm currently listening to a pair of Klipsch Forte 2's that I built from parts from ebay. I like the bass very much (12 inch woofer with Passive radiator) but in my room with my amps I do not really like the mid-horn. I feel that the horns transmit differently from the cone of the woofer and because the mid- horns start at around 700 Hrz or so this is very critical to my ears. BTW: the 'filter'used in old KLipsch speakers are very unusual and strange but they sound surprisingly good. Better to my ears than most of the 'modern' alternatives that have been tried over the years. Now I read in the forum about a MLTL with a 12"Monacor dual concentric speaker and of course I am very interested! It may be just what I am looking for! Its a pity however that going to Yorkshire for listening to them is not so easy. (I've been there several times for my work however!)

The other thing that has my interest at the moment is building a new 300B SET. The one I use now I've built 40 years ago with very limited knowledge. I am interested in a C3M driver stage. I like the concept of only using one driving stage and I do have the c3m's on the shelf. I'd like to hear about the experiences of others in this topology.
And at last I really like to read about the subjective experiences of others describing what they hear. There is such a gap between what we experience (in sound) and the language we use to describe isn't it? That's good!
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#2 Re: Hello from Arnhem, the Netherlands

Unread post by Toppsy »

Marcel wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2024 4:14 pm Hello, I'm Marcel
I am 65 yrs old and for the last 50 yrs I've been building speakers now and than................... Things I found out that I like are merely fullrange speakers, MLTL's and passive radiators for extra bass extension.................... Now I read in the forum about a MLTL with a 12"Monacor dual concentric speaker and of course I am very interested! It may be just what I am looking for! Its a pity however that going to Yorkshire for listening to them is not so easy. (I've been there several times for my work however!)
Hi Marcel,
I'm Colin. Welcome to the forum. You'll find a few the DIY speaker guys on here prefer to build 'fullrange' speakers and MLTL's so you'll be good company. It's how I started but have now moved over to the dark side of multiway speakers. All speakers are to a greater or lesser degree a compromise depending on their design. I now find a single driver speaker is a compromise too far for me. I am also not a fan of Horn loaded speakers. But that's just my taste in speakers.

You mention in your post of a MLTL 12" Monacor dual concentric speaker. Would this be the SP-312CX driver? If so you may be interested in this: https://www.audio-talk.co.uk/phpBB3/vie ... 43#p161643. It was a design I built after great things building a MLTL for the 10" version this driver.

I still have these 12" MLTL speakers should you be interested in them. They are not in use and are in storage. The veneer is showing signs of some age so I would not want a lot of money for them. So if you're next in the UK (Lancashire, just north of Manchester). Send me a PM if you're interested or want to know more.
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#3 Re: Hello from Arnhem, the Netherlands

Unread post by Nick »

Hi. Welcome.

I have used c3g's to drive 300b, but not c3m. A quick check of the numbers shows the transconductance of the m is about half of the g, so I am not so sure it would be as good a driver valve as the c3g if you wanted a single stage driver.
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#4 Re: Hello from Arnhem, the Netherlands

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"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe." – Albert Einstein
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#5 Re: Hello from Arnhem, the Netherlands

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Hi Marcel and welcome.
Sgt. Baker started talkin’ with a Bullhorn in his hand.
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#6 Re: Hello from Arnhem, the Netherlands

Unread post by Marcel »

Hi Marcel,
I'm Colin. Welcome to the forum. You'll find a few the DIY speaker guys on here prefer to build 'fullrange' speakers and MLTL's so you'll be good company. It's how I started but have now moved over to the dark side of multiway speakers. All speakers are to a greater or lesser degree a compromise depending on their design. I now find a single driver speaker is a compromise too far for me. I am also not a fan of Horn loaded speakers. But that's just my taste in speakers.

You mention in your post of a MLTL 12" Monacor dual concentric speaker. Would this be the SP-312CX driver? If so you may be interested in this: https://www.audio-talk.co.uk/phpBB3/vie ... 43#p161643. It was a design I built after great things building a MLTL for the 10" version this driver.

I still have these 12" MLTL speakers should you be interested in them. They are not in use and are in storage. The veneer is showing signs of some age so I would not want a lot of money for them. So if you're next in the UK (Lancashire, just north of Manchester). Send me a PM if you're interested or want to know more.
Thank you Colin and apologies for the delay. :?
Unfortunately I will not go to the UK in the near future because of my health. Thank you for your offer anyway.
You wrote that you're not a fan of horn loading. Do you also mean the tweeter of the Monacor SP-312CX?
Also, I am interested in the crossover you used. I am not sure this crossover-design is free for public use so please have mercy if I ask to much!
Enjoy, Marcel
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#7 Re: Hello from Arnhem, the Netherlands

Unread post by Toppsy »

Hi Marcel,
Generally I am not a fan of horn loaded speakers as I find that after extended listening to them I get tinnitus and this mainly from the HF horn driver in a multiway horn loaded speaker. I did not find this with the Monacor coaxial driver. I suspect this is down to the HF horn being integral to the coaxial design of the Monacor unit.

I can let you have a copy of the prototype X/O that we used on the forum posted MLTL's, but you'll have to add a few more posts before this function of the forum can be activated. Having spoken to Nick, the forum host, he advises you just reply to a few other threads you are interested in and then I can send you a PM and attach a copy the X/O. Currently you have only the two posts. Your initial introduction and your response to my reply to your initial post.

As an aside of the two versions of the MLTL speakers though the 12" version have an extended bass over the 10" ones, I have a preference for the 10" version of these speakers, only because of the slightly better mid-range sound to my ears.

PM me when you have upped the number of postings and the this activates the PM function. I can then send you a copy the X/O.

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#8 Re: Hello from Arnhem, the Netherlands

Unread post by Marcel »

Hi Colin,
Thank you for answering and good to hear about the tweeter.
About the 10 or the 12 inch versions: As a bass player you have to make the same decision regarding your backline and I prefer the 12 inch speakers generally. What I expect when used as a domestic speaker is that the 12" gives probably a bit more slam. I would love that! I can also imagine that the slightly better midrange of the 10" is more important for classical music than the stuff I mostly listen to: mainly funky and jazz. I do prefer dynamics and 'flow' above 'endless showers of detail', a bit of colour above a sterile sound! Speakers are also instruments aren't they and my living room can handle 12"speakers.
Thanks also for telling me doing some more posts! I'll try. My problem is that I am very busy at the moment. Enough interests though! Curious when and how I will know I,ve done enough posts. I'll see!
Kind regards,
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