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#1 LMS

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something occurred to me recently regarding the switch from SB3 classic to software players.

On the SB3 I have a memory that says there was a choice between repeat current song and repeat current playlist. I may have mis-remembered. Not sure if the choice was offered in the player menu or LMS player menu.

On all the software players I cant seem to get anything but repeat current song..I have tried with squeezelite on picoreplayer and squeezeplayer on Sebs tablet and squeezeplayer on android phone...there doesn't seem to be a repeat current playlist option.

Anybody have any experience of this?
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#2 Re: LMS

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Chris :happy3:
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#3 Re: LMS

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The Stratmangler
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#4 Re: LMS

Unread post by The Stratmangler »

The only software player here is courtesy of a plugin for LMS - Chromecast bridge, which makes ye olde Chromecast Audio Player a Squeezebox client.
It's controllable from Android using Orange Squeeze, and that has a repeat song/repeat playlist button which works.
I don't have Android devices being clients on LMS.
Chris :happy3:
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